Thursday, September 8, 2011

A stolen life

I know a lot of people were hesitant to read this book because of all the horrible things that happened to her. I was a little nervous when I started reading it as well, but it wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been.

Summary: Jaycee tells what happened to her over her 18 year captivity. She talks about how she made it through and kept hope. She also talks about how she is doing now.
Pros: Gives you hope that even though you have gone through something terrible, life goes on and you can still be happy. Exposed the flaws in the law enforcement  that had a huge hand in her being held captive for so long, and has caused changed in the system to be made.
Cons: The obvious con is what happened to her in general, but other than that there are a few parts where she goes into detail about what happened, which are difficult to read. A little scatter-brained at parts, but she talks about it being like that in the beginning.
Thoughts: Overall I enjoyed the book. Although there were some details that were difficult to read she stuck to talking about them in the beginning and after that she didn't talk about it that much. I would recommend reading it. I think its a story of hope and shows you that there is life after something horrific. 

Thank you to for helping inspire my blog as well as help give me an idea as to how to format it =]

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